Children’s Sermon

Luke 12:13-21

Collector of God Thoughts

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Luke 12:13-21
Collector of God Thoughts

By Lois Parker Edstrom

Objects suggested: If a member or members of your congregation have collections ask them to bring samples for display.

Are you a collector? Some people collect stamps. Others collect rare coins. Still others collect shells, rocks, baseball cards, Beanie Babies, or books.

Today we have asked members of our congregation to show you samples of what they collect. (Do so as time permits.)

It is fun to explore and try to find just the right item to add to your collection. Having a collection is also a way to learn new things.

Jesus does, however, give us a warning about collecting things. He says, “Beware! Keep yourselves from covetousness, for a man’s life doesn’t consist of the abundance of the things which he possesses” (12:15).

To have a good life we must not let what we have (our possessions) be the center of our attention, always trying to get more of what we want.

When this happens Jesus says a person can store up all kinds of treasures for themselves, but they are not “rich toward God” (12:21).

These wonderful people from our congregation have shared their collections with us and we thank them. If we asked them, I think they would tell us that they enjoy their collections and we can see how interesting the collections are, but these things are not what is most important to them.

Things do not bring us happiness and a good life. Exploring and putting your energies into being “rich toward God” is important. Learn more about God, pray to God, and enjoy all the beautiful things of nature he has provided for us. Be a collector of God thoughts and see how many thoughts and lessons about God you can add to your collection.

Scripture quotations from the World English Bible

Copyright 2008, Richard Niell Donovan