Children’s Sermon

Acts 9:36-43

Choose Your Devotion

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Acts 9:36-43
Choose Your Devotion

By Lois Parker Edstrom

(If you would like to add objects to this lesson use pictures of animals, needlework, art, a picture of a factory, and a loaf of bread to represent each activity mentioned.)

When we think of certain people, we often think of what they do––what makes them stand out from other people. Let me give you some examples. (Examples can be personalized to individuals the children might know.)

I know of a woman who is devoted to animals. She has given many dogs and cats a good home, making sure they receive loving care.

Another woman works with her hands. She knits sweaters and caps for children and gives beautiful needlework gifts to her friends and family.

Then there is the man who devotes himself to art. He paints beautiful pictures and helps others learn how to paint.

Another is a businessman. He runs a company and provides jobs for many people.

A woman in our church has cooked meals for the homeless and she has done this every week for many years.

In the Bible we read about a woman named Dorcas who was devoted. We are told she “was full of good works and acts of mercy which she did” (9:36). How wonderful to be remembered as a person who helped others.

This word “devoted” means that a person cares enough to give up certain things in order to work at what’s important.

What we do tells others a lot about who we are. Think about what’s important to you. Each one of us gets to choose our work – what we will do that makes a difference.

Choose your devotion.

Scripture quotations from the World English Bible

Copyright 2010, Richard Niell Donovan