Children’s Sermon

John 20:1-18

Celebrate God

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John 20:1-18

Celebrate God

By Dr. Carol J Miller

Today we celebrate. Who knows what the word “celebrate” means? [Listen respectfully to all answers]. One thing we can say is that celebrate means to be happy about something good that has happened.

What are some of the things we are doing to celebrate Easter today? For instance, I see some people wearing new or fancy clothes. What else are we doing? [Accept all answers].

Easter is when we celebrate something very important, very powerful, very amazing that God did. God made Jesus alive again after people who did not like Jesus killed him. Now things like that just do not happen. God does not usually do that. But this one time God did it! We celebrate that because we love Jesus and it is good that he is alive with God forever.

But I wonder why else God did that. Here is a question. On this Easter Day, what looks stronger to you: the power of death or the power of God? [Accept their answers being sure that the answer is included that God will do the same for us.] Yes! God is telling us that people die, but God will make all of us alive again because God loves us. Death cannot stop God’s love. God is stronger; stronger than death and stronger than all the bad things that there are. Who can show us how you look strong? [Let as many as want to show how they look strong]. We hear the story of the resurrection—of God making Jesus alive again—and we know that God loves us too and will one day make everyone alive again. Shout after me: “God is strong! God is love! Celebrate!”

Copyright 2012, Richard Niell Donovan