Children’s Sermon

Ephesians 5:15-20

A Melody in Your Heart

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Ephesians 5:15-20

A Melody in Your Heart

By Lois Parker Edstrom

Objects suggested: An apple, a beautiful rock, or a fresh batch of cookies to share with the children, if appropriate to your situation.

I’m going to tell you something that some adults haven’t figured out about how to be happy. If you think about this as a child, it will help you find more joy as you grow older.

Before you go to sleep for the night think about what you saw or what you experienced during the day that was beautiful or good. See if you can list three things for which you are grateful. It is helpful to keep a little book by your bed and write down those things that made your day better. Ask your parent to help if you are just learning to write.

When you do this every night you will find yourself looking for things each day to list in your book. You will discover small things that you didn’t notice before – simple things that give you pleasure.

It may be that you appreciate the beautiful color of an apple, how it feels good in your hand, how the juice runs down your chin, how its skin shines. Be grateful for that gorgeous apple.

It may be that you discover an unusual rock, or hear the friendly sound of wind in the trees, or smell cookies baking, or notice someone smiling at you. You will be surprised by how many wonderful things you will find if you look for them.

We all have days when we feel hurt or discouraged and on those days it is even more important to find beauty and give thanks.

The Bible tells us to make “melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

As we go about our days, thanking God for all he has given us, it is as if we have a happy song within us – a melody in our hearts. That is a good way to live.

Copyright 2012, Richard Niell Donovan