Children’s Sermon

Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

The Power of Little Things

By Lois Parker Edstrom

Objects suggested: A package of dry yeast to demonstrate the size of the granules of yeast. A glass of water to demonstrate the importance of raindrops.

In the Bible Jesus teaches us that very small things can be important and powerful. He uses the example of yeast that when mixed with flour will grow and cause the entire batch of dough to rise and become bread.

Think of raindrops. A single raindrop is a very small thing, but it has quite an interesting and important story. Let’s start at the beginning.

Have you been in the kitchen when your mom or dad boils water––maybe to make tea or cook spaghetti? If you look closely, you will see steam rising from the pot and disappearing into the air. That is called evaporation.

Sometimes so much steam rises from the pot that it collects on the windows and mirrors. That is called condensation.

The same sort of thing happens to a little raindrop. When the sun heats the water in lakes, rivers, and oceans, steam leaves the water and goes into the sky. Then as the temperature becomes colder, what has gone into the sky turns into water and clouds form. When the clouds become heavy with water, it begins to rain.

Small raindrops fall to the ground, water our forests, fields, and crops; fill our rivers, lakes, and oceans. You can see how important raindrops are–– they are necessary for us and our animals to have drinking water and they are necessary to make plants grow so we will have food.

We can liken this to God’s love. It may seem like a small thing, but God’s love is important and powerful. It can fill you with love for yourself and for others, and provide what we need to grow.

Copyright 2008, Richard Niell Donovan