Hymn list

Matthew 6:24-34


Baptist Hymnal (BH)
Chalice Hymnal (CH)
Collegeville Hymnal (CO)
Common Praise (CP)
Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW)
Gather Comprehensive (GC)
JourneySongs (JS)
Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW)
Lutheran Service Book (LSB)
Lutheran Worship (LW)

Presbyterian Hymnal (PH)
The Faith We Sing (TFWS)
The Hymnal 1982 (TH)
The New Century Hymnal (TNCH)
United Methodist Hymnal (UMH)
Voices United (VU)
With One Voice (WOV)
Wonder Love and Praise (WLP)
Worship & Rejoice (WR)



All Things Bright and Beautiful (BH #46; CH #61; CO #594; CP #415-416; PH #267; TH #405; TNCH #31; UMH #147; VU #291; WOV #767; WR #30)

Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine (BH #334; CH #543; ELW #638; PH#341; TNCH #473; UMH #369; VU #337; WOV #699; WR #426)

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (BH #15, 18; CH #16; CO #446; CP #354; ELW #807; LBW #499; LSB #686; PH #356; TH #686; TNCH #459; UMH #400; VU #559; WR #68)


Amazing Grace (BH #330; CH #546; CO #447; CP #352; ELW #779; GC #612; JS #460; LBW #448; LSB #744; LW #509; PH #280; TH #671; TNCH #547, 548; UMH #378; VU #266; WR #422)

Be Still My Soul (CH #566; LSB #752; LW #510; TNCH #488; UMH #534; VU #652, 734, 854; WR #451)

Come and Find the Quiet Center (CH #575; TFWS #2128; VU #374; WR #477)

Seek Ye First (BH #478; CH#354; CP #458; GC #615; JS #544; LSB #712; PH #333; TH #711; UMH #405; VU #356; WOV #783; WR #349)


I Love to Tell the Story (BH #572; CH #480; ELW #661; LBW #390; TNCH #522; UMH #156; WR #560)

Make Me a Servant (TFWS #2176; WR #576)

Take My Life and Let it be Consecrated (BH #277 or 283; CH #609; CP #435; ELW #583, 685; LBW #406; LSB #783, 784; LW #404; PH #391; TH #707; TNCH #448; UMH #399; VU #506; WR #466)

Also known as “Take My Life, That I May Be”

Take Time to be Holy (BH #446; CH #572; UMH #395; VU #672; WR #483)
— Copyright 2007, Richard Niell Donovan