Hymn list

Luke 16:19-31

Check out these helpful resources
Biblical Commentary
Children’s Sermons


Baptist Hymnal (BH)
Chalice Hymnal (CH)
Collegeville Hymnal (CO)
Common Praise (CP)
Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW)
Gather Comprehensive (GC)
JourneySongs (JS)
Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW)
Lutheran Service Book (LSB)
Lutheran Worship (LW)

Presbyterian Hymnal (PH)
The Faith We Sing (TFWS)
The Hymnal 1982 (TH)
The New Century Hymnal (TNCH)
United Methodist Hymnal (UMH)
Voices United (VU)
With One Voice (WOV)
Wonder Love and Praise (WLP)
Worship & Rejoice (WR)


Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word (LBW #248; LSB #904; LW #202; PH #454; TH #440; TNCH #74; UMH #596; VU #500)

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (BH #14; CH #25; CO #592; CP #384; ELW #858, 859; GC #527; JS #338; LBW #543; LSB #790; LW #444; PH #482; TH #390; UMH #139; VU #220)


Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy (BH #323; CP #608; UMH #340)

Faith of Our Fathers (BH #352; CH #635; CO #634; ELW #812, 813; GC #600; JS #380; LBW #500; TH #558; TNCH #381; UMH #710; VU #580; WR #530)

Also known as Faith of the Martyrs

For the Beauty of the Earth (BH #44; CH #56; CO #562; CP #429; ELW #879; GC #572; JS #464; LBW #561; PH #473; TH #416; TNCH #28; UMH #92; VU #226; WR #40)

Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart (CH #528; TFWS #2036)

Help us Accept Each Other (CH #487; PH #358; TNCH #388; UMH #560; WR #596)

Hope of the World (CH #538; LBW #493; LSB #690; LW #377; PH #360; TH #472; TNCH #46; UMH #178; VU #215; WR #404)

The Voice of God is Calling (CH #666; UMH #436)

We Utter Our Cry (BH #631; UMH #439)

What Does the Lord Require (CH #659; CP #171; PH #405; TH #605; UMH #441; VU #701; WR #686)

What Does the Lord Require of You (CH #661, TFWS #2174)

When the Church of Jesus (BH #396; UMH #592; WR #555)

When the Poor Ones (CH #662; PH #407; UMH #434; WR #624)

Also known as Cuando el Pobre


All My Hope on God is Founded (CH #88; CP #529; ELW #757; TH #665; TNCH #408; UMH #132; VU #654; WOV #782)

Also known as All My Hope is Firmly Grounded

Also known as God, My Hope on You is Founded

Jesu, Jesu (CH #600; CP #504; ELW #708; GC #409; PH #367; TH #602; TNCH #498; UMH #432; VU #593; WOV #765; WR #273)

We Shall Overcome (CH #630; GC #724; JS #767; TNCH #570; UMH #533; WR #512)

Copyright 2007, Richard Niell Donovan