Galatians 6:7-13 Signs of the New Creation (McLarty)

Here's the bottom line: Scripture speaks of the new creation in different ways. If you look carefully through the eyes of faith, you'll see signs of God's re-creation in each of them. With that in mind, let us pray: "Open my eyes, that I may see // Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me; // Place in my hands the wonderful key // That shall unclasp and set me free."

2019-06-27T14:25:40-07:00Galatians, Sermons|

Galatians 6:1-16 The Family of Christ (Brettell)

The issue that Paul was dealing with in the first century of Christianity is no different from an issue we deal with here in the 21st century. It is an issue of inclusion vs. exclusion. It is an issue of barriers—barriers to belonging that have been created by the minds of God's children; not by the mind of God.

2019-06-27T14:26:32-07:00Galatians, Sermons|

Galatians 5:11, 13-25 Free to Be Free (Donovan)

I am reminded of a cartoon. Satan is addressing newly-inducted souls who are standing in the flames. He says: "You'll find there's no right or wrong here. Just what works for you." Doesn't that sound familiar? Isn't that the modern creed! I ask, "Is it working for us? Have we created a better world for our children?" I think not!

2019-06-27T14:26:51-07:00Galatians, Sermons|

Galatians 4:4-7 Christmas with St. Paul (Hoffacker)

Jesus' entry among us makes it possible for us to be accounted children of God, not by right, but by gift--not by nature, but by adoption. This is the other side of Christmas--rarely is mentioned in the flurry of activity culminating on December 25. The Son of God became human, and makes it possible for us to share in divine life.

2019-06-27T14:28:15-07:00Galatians, Sermons|

Galatians 3:27-28 Making Meaning (Bowen)

Having nurtured his father through his father's last weeks, Stein said, "If you care about the people in your life who have cared about you, that by itself is an incredibly successful, great life. That by itself is more than winning prizes and money." That seems to me consonant with what that man of Galilee is about.

2019-06-27T14:28:26-07:00Galatians, Sermons|

Galatians 3:27-29 The Gift of Family (McLarty)

One of the critical stages of growing up is to accept the fact that your parents are not gods – never have been, never will be. They don't have all the answers, they can't leap tall buildings in a single bound, they're not always going to be there to bail you out. Bottom line: Give your parents the respect that's due them, but pay your ultimate allegiance to God.

2019-06-27T14:28:37-07:00Galatians, Sermons|
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